The History of Ōyamanezunomikoto Shinji Kyōkai

●November 15, 1946 Birth of Tomomaruhime Sensei

To give humanity eternal salvation, Ōyamanezunomikoto, Kami who truly exists, placed the spirit of Kami in the body of an infant girl, born to the parents of the Mori family at Miyamoto-chō, Minami Ward in Yokohama City.
This infant girl named Hideko grew up to become Tomomaruhime Sensei.
Kami chose to come into this world during the Showa Era in Japan: and no one at the time could have ever imagined that she had come into this world to save humanity.


●September 23, 1948  Tomomarusai Sensei accepts the mission of Shisha

Sadao Inai was born in Toyama prefecture at the end of Meiji Era. He achieved unprecedented success in his tailoring business.
But during WWⅡ, his business was destroyed with the bombings of Tokyo and he lost almost all his property and all of what he had worked for.
As he stood gazing at the burned out remains of the city before him, he silently vowed to dedicate the remainder of his life to bringing peace to the world.
Shortly thereafter, as he lay bedridden with an incurable disease, Ōyamanezunomikoto, a glorious goddess appeared in a dream, saved his life, and gave him a mission as Kami’s Shisha (Messenger,Tomomarusai ) to teach people the existence of Kami.


● September 23, 1953 Ōyamanezunomikoto Shinji Kyōkai is established

Tomomarusai Sensei was subsequently taught by Ōyamanezunomikoto and granted the powers of Kami. Under Kami’s instructions, he established Shinji Kyōkai in 1953.
Tomomarusai Sensei proceeded to demonstrate, through the powers given to him by Kami, miraculous acts of healing and accurate predictions of events that would happen in a person’s life. Through these acts, the name of Kami began to spread. Tomomarusai Sensei also taught people the right way to live based on the principle of “Kami, Hotoke, Hito no Michi”.


●February 4, 1967 Begins Her Journey on the Path of Kami

As Tomomaruhime Sensei grew into young womanhood, surrounded by warm and caring parents and close brothers; she fell ill with an incurable disease. At the age of 20, she hovered between life and death. Then, her family was introduced to Tomomarusai Sensei, and all of her family became members of Shinji Kyōkai. By the powers of Kami, her life was saved.
On February 4, 1967, Tomomaruhime Sensei, accompanied by her entire family,  visited Tomomarusai Sensei for the first time and expressed her gratitude for her recovery.  As Tomomarusai Sensei saw her, whose face was a living image of Kami in his dream, immediately found out that the spirit of Kami was placed in her, and started to guide her to walk the path of true salvation for humanity.


●July 1, 1975 Tomomaruhime Sensei is named Fukushisha

Given the powers of Kami, Tomomaruhime Sensei became a branch manager at the age of 22, proceeded to save many people who were in pain and suffering. In 1975, Kami designated Tomomaruhime Sensei as Ōyamanezunomikoto’s  Fukushisha (assistant to Shisha).  She took the lead and devoted herself to offering Kami’s techings to shinja (members of Shinji Kyōkai). A surge of people came to Tomomaruhime Sensei for her help. Shinji Kyōkai had steadily expanded with increasing numbers of shinja.
At that time, Tomomaruhime Sensei’s elder brother, Shinichi Mori assumed the post of the chief secretary of Shinji KyōkaiTomomaruhime Sensei’s mother, Tayo Mori always supported her, and all the members of Mori family dedicated themselves to support Shinji Kyōkai.


● September 23, 1985 Tomomaruhime Sensei is named Shisha

Shinji Kyōkai’s foundation was firmly laid by Tomomarusai Sensei and Tomomaruhime Sensei.
The powers given to Tomomaruhime Sensei by Kami grew and she was designated as Ōyamanezunomikoto’s Shisha (Messenger) in 1985. She began to reveal the many principles needed for humanity to achieve happiness and prosperity.
At the same time, Tomomaruhime Sensei saw into the future state of Shinji Kyōkai.  She educated her elder brother Shinichi Mori to entrust him with the task to lead the future Shinji Kyōkai. She called her younger brother, Masahito Mori into her room at every opportunity, and guided him as a future messenger who would receive the direct word of Kami.


● November 15, 1987 Tomomaruhime Sensei’s Unmei as Kami Is Revealed (Seibi: the Day of Veneration)

On September 23, 1986, Tomomaruhime Sensei was designated Chokushi (Direct Messenger). 
On November 15, 1987, the truth that Kami’s spirit has been placed within Tomomaruhime Sensei is revealed; and Tomomaruhime Sensei, Chokushi opened Kibo no Michi -the path to eternal salvation for humanity.
In addition, Kami designated Shinichi Mori as Kyōkaichō (chief administrator of Shinji Kyōkai), and Masahito Mori, for the support of Chokushi, as Fukushisha Tomomarukō.
Thus Kami laid firm foundations for Shinji Kyōkai.
This day, known as Seibi, became the glorious, memorial day in the history of Shinji Kyōkai.


● October 29, 1988 Tomomarusai Sensei Becomes Daishin

With the foundation of Shinji Kyōkai firmly in place, Tomomarusai Sensei’s mission was accomplished. He returned to the world of Kami to become Daishin Tomomarusai no Mikoto, and as Shinji Kyōkai’s protector, he continues to watch over humanity.


● November 15, 1995 Shinhōshi is Designated

Tomomaruhime Sensei brought up her nephew, Nobuhide Mori, a son of her elder brother like her own child with maternal love. She foresaw his unmei and raised him to walk the path of Kami. When he grew up and became a person who could assist Tomomaruhime Sensei, Kami designated him as Shinhōshi, the secretary general.


● September 17, 2002 The Birth of Shinkon and the Path to Salvation Is Completed

Tomomaruhime Sensei completed the final mission to create the ultimate path to salvation, Shinjitsu no Michi. With its creation, those who walked the path of Kibō no Michi could now attain the ultimate salvation of being reborn many times into a life happier than the last.
By the instruction of Tomomaruhime Sensei, the following change was made to prepare for the era of Shinkon; Kyōkaichō took the role as Shinshu Kyōkaichō Sensei, Fukushisha as Kyōshu Seishisha Tomomarukō Sensei, Shinhōshi as Shinhōshi Tomomarushō Sensei.
Tomomaruhime Sensei
returned to the world of Kami at peace. Today, she continues to protect the kokoro of each individual and guides us on the path to true salvation.


● Ushering in the Era of Shinkon that Grants Kaiun

Today, Shinji Kyōkai is in the era that grants Kaiun (fulfillment of our unmei ).

Supported by the power of Shinkon, Shinshu Kyōkaichō Sensei organizes and manages Shinji Kyōkai  following the will of Kami, and Kyōshu Seishisha Tomomarukō Sensei receives countless Shinji that guide and foster the human kokoro to fulfillment. Shinhōshi Tomomarushō Sensei is in a position to assist Shinshu and Kyōshu and pay careful attention to the administration of Shinji Kyōkai.
In this precious environment, all, who live by Kami’s teachings, are able to achieve a life without regret.